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48mm x 66M 'FRAGILE' Printed Tape
Low Noise Acrylic Adhesive

In stock


  • Each roll sized 48mm wide x 66M in length.

  • Get 32% more on a roll than a 50M roll.

  • Ideal for Warehouse, distribution and removals.

  • "FRAGILE" is printed on the Rolls.


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Manufactured from a high quality acrylic film, this tape printed with'FRAGILE' is ideal for ensuring that those delicate packages are noticed by couriers and are treated with the correct care during transportation.

Get 32% more on a roll (compared to a 50M roll) .

Each roll is sized 48mm (width) and 66M (length).

Print: "Fragile"

Additional Information

Colour White
Tape Size 48mm x 66M
Adhesive Acrylic